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...the frictions of our differences.

One day, sooner than later, if we become activists for humanity, we will no more resort to conflict due to the frictions of our differences.
— Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire, Former commander of UN peacekeeping forces in Rwanda

From the USHMM website. If we practice tolerance and caring, if we are active in our empathy, we can prevent ourselves and others from acting out of hate...

"Everybody can do something."

If you believe it is possible to have a more humane world...then you’ve got to join the fight. Everybody can do something.
— Benjamin Ferencz, Prosecutor at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg

My answer is to communicate with my music and by sharing my family's history, in the hope that it will have some influence towards a more loving, more tolerant world. 

Starting to improve the world

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
— Anne Frank, Diarist and Holocaust victim

Inspiring quote from US Holocaust Memorial Museum...

Fighting intolerance together

Together we must fight...the evils of indifference, ignorance, injustice, and intolerance.
— Charlene Schiff, Holocaust survivor

Quote from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum's website.

"Silence is never the answer..."

...silence is never the answer...the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference.
— Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize recipient

A quote from the greatly missed Elie Wiesel. Wisdom to be remembered by...